It's time to evaluate the first six months of the year. I'm going to share some tips, hacks and lessons learned so you can be ready when it's time to have those mid-year discussions with your manager.
Get Prepared.
Write down everything you've accomplished in the first six months of the year, great and small. Align and prioritize them against the goals you set in the beginning of the year. Write down how you plan on accomplishing the goals for the remainder of the year. This mid year check in is always about how you're going to help the company achieve its' goals. Prepare to talk about your career objectives in detail with your manager, let them know your aspirations and how you need their support to accomplish them.
Have you taken on more responsibilities? Has your role been expanded? Are you doing any stretch assignments? Include all of that information in your self evaluation comments section. You're building the pathway for promotion and capturing that information in writing helps builds your creditability and case for a raise and/or promotion.
Humbly brag on yourself. Create a virtual file folder, save all kudos, virtual "high 5's", and thank you emails from any and everyone that takes that time to write something in this folder.
Development Plan.
If, you're really serious about growing your professional career ask your manager about a development plan. I can hear you grumbling right now, a development plan isn't a negative thing. Embrace it as an opportunity for you to tap into the skills, talent, abilities and aspirations you want to go after. Google is your friend, so google a few templates and draft your thoughts and ideas out. If, you present them during your mid-year review your manager will be impressed with you effort. You'll also get some support and direction on how to create, activate and execute your plan. It doesn't have to be complex, just do it.
Prepare For The Ask.
Asking for a promotion is a big deal. A promotion is a form of advancement into new territory. Analyze your corporate culture and identify what you need to focus on in addition to doing your job well. Are you excelling at your current role, adding value and demonstrating the abilities necessary to warrant a promotion? Think about the long game and if a promotion will really get you moving towards your professional and personal goals. Asking for promotion requires an honest self evaluation before action. Make sure your motives are clear internally and check your ego before preparing for the ask. Check the landscape of your organization, know the right timing, and make sure it's a win win for you and the organization. Engage your mentors and trusted advisors to build out a strategy, plan, presentation and/or talking points to prepare for the ask.
The mid year review typically is a conversation to check the progress of the goals set in the beginning of the year. A lot can change in a company with priorities shifting and organizational realignment. Be flexible, easy to work with, honest and positive. Track you accomplishments, work on your developmental plan, get on the pathway to promotion and prepare for the ask. If, you're doing your job in excellence you will be noticed and that's half the battle. Let your work speak for you and everything will fall into place in the right timing.