Use your Professional Development Dollars to Pivot
I remember the times when my manager would ask me what did I wanted to do during the year for professional development and didn’t have an answer or game plan. I had the mindset that it was another something to do and extra work. Over time I had a wake up call and realized “using” professional development sharpened my skills without me necessarily spending a dime! Now, everyone’s work scenarios are different, so take this advise and make it applicable to you. Have some ideas, do research and come to the table with what you’d like to enhance your skill set in. You'll looks really good from the perspective of your manager. You’re a go-getter, a self-starter and all those catchy phrases and buzzwords used in corporate.
If, you work for an organization that has a Learning & Development department find out if there are some training sessions that interest you that you can use to PIVOT. Most large organizations have internal training portals with a wealth of free knowledge to take advantage of. Here are some thought starting to get you thinking about the #PowerOfThePivot. Look into and, there are professional courses at your local comunity and/or state college with credification programs galore. The key takeaways are:
Use your employee professional development dollars into enhance your skill set in area of interest that will improve you overall
Prepare and plan to stretch your professional development dollars through the fiscal year. You may explore the free learning and training sessions and “save” your dollars for a conference, certification you’d like to pursue.
Using professional development “dollars” is a cost effective way to enhance your skills and use what you’ve learn to Pivot between your professional and personal development.
All and all it’s a win win for you and your employer. It’s all in perspective, don’t let those monies go to waste. Maximise the opportunities that are right in front of you. This is how you use the #PowerOfThePivot.
Welcome to the Posh way of life!